The St. Vincent De Paul Society consists of parishioners who work practically to help the poor and to deepen their relationship with God and the Church.
The society:
- begs humbly for money and food for the poor monthly at the entrances to the church one weekend a month and receives a portion of the weekend collections on other weekends.
- distributes the money to those with demonstrated financial needs.
- goes in pairs to clients' homes to provide guidance with finances and to discover needs.
- works together with other groups in serving the needy.
The society has a representative to assist parishioners to find a manageable position for them.
The parish calls for all parishioners to contribute at least four hours a year to this important ministry.
A Caring Outreach Ministry for Saint Michael’s
What is Stephen Ministry? Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another. Through one-to-one caring and confidential relationships, those who are hurting receive the love, support and care they need from a Stephen Minister. It is a significant ministry for our Parish.
What is Stephen Ministry for?
- Loneliness
- Grief - loss of a spouse; child; parent; relative; or friend
- Retirement changes
- Unemployment
- Childbirth and child/teenage care
- Hospitalization
- Separation and divorce
- Terminal Illness
- Divorce or Separated
- Being shut-in
- Most of life’s struggles
What type of care does Stephen Ministry provide?
It provides Christian care and concern for our Parishioners, by offering someone who: cares, supports, listens and loves those that are “hurting” or “facing a crisis in their life”.
Hospitalization visitation at Monmouth Medical Center and other local hospitals. It is an in-hospital ministry for patient-care that provides comfort, encouragement, prayer and support for patients seeking health and wholeness. A ministry to both patient and their families and integrated with other parish ministries as a patient desires.
Rehabilitation care visits at Genesis Rehab; Health South Rehab; and other local rehab centers for members recovering from serious illness or surgery. Our ministry focus is on encouraging patients to actively participate in their recovery to health and mobility. Prayer and conversation are our primary healing tools.
Homebound member care – our ministry often extends over longer periods of time to more chronically sick, injured and older members of our parish. Our ministry may include regular visits as a friend to check in on a parishioner’s spiritual and emotional needs.
Holy Communion visits – we bring Our Lord to those who can not attend Mass by bringing Communion to shut-ins at home or in the hospital/rehab centers.
Who can benefit from our Stephen Ministry?
Anyone going through difficult times, who needs someone to care, listen and share God’s love with them on a one-to-one confidential basis.
The link below will take you to a short video posted by PBS that will explain more about the Stephens Ministry and provide links to further information about the ministry.
The Paduan Ministry was formed as an offshoot of the Stephen Ministry. Whereas the Stephen Ministry relationships deal with a crisis situation in someone’s life, the Paduan Ministry relationships are more of a companionship that focuses on the Sick and Elderly.
WE OFFER - in an easy and simple approach:
- Comfort
- Compassion
- Caring Presence
- Visit shut-ins, the elderly, and bring communion.
- Help and comfort those that are feeling lonely and abandoned – especially the elderly
- Visit those in the hospital, nursing home, or rehab center.
- Spend quality time with those who long for the touch of another.
- Make others feel special and important.
- Let those who need us know we care.
If you are in need or someone you know is in need of a Paduan Minister, or you would like to learn more about the Ministry, call us at 732-483-0360, ext. 20
Recognizing the value of education today, this committee provides scholarship funds to area students through various means which they eagerly research and contact.
St. Michael's provides about $25,000 in scholarships and tuition aid to those attending Catholic elementary and secondary schools, Catholic and non-Catholic colleges. The committee reviews applications and awards the money to deserving students.
St. Michael's, as a matter of proper stewardship, does not make use of raffles. By way of exception, we do permit two annual raffles to raise more funds for student tuition assistance. The proceeds of these raffles annually is approximately $30,000.
The sale of raffle tickets takes place after weekend Masses for 10 weeks in the back of church. The committee offers a schedule to parishioners to sell after one or several Masses. Selling the tickets has proven to be a very convenient way to serve the parish by helping othersand by meeting other parishioners.